New Humanoid AI Robot Shocks Spectators

5 Stocks That Will Crush AI in 2024


Hello. I'm James Altucher. I've been called a “genius investor” by my fans… And an “eccentric millionaire” by some others. I think it's because I make big predictions… That tend to come true. Today, I'm making my boldest prediction ever. Next-generation AI technology will create the first $100 TRILLION industry. And there could be trillions available to those investors who get in early. I put together this personal video [HERE]… Revealing the AI stocks I believe… Could turn as little as $10,000… Into $1 MILLION over the next few years. If you get in early, this one-time opportunity could… Potentially change your financial circumstances… For you, your family, and your heirs. Today, I want to show you how I believe… AI 2.0 will open a brief “wealth window”… That will slam shut any day now. If you've missed out on new tech opportunities before…. I urge you, do not ignore this message. HERE is everything you need now.

P.S. To show you I'm serious about helping you get in on this opportunity, I'm giving away one of my top 5 AI 2.0 stock picks – free. See my top 5 picks here.

By Chris Campbell 

“I see a red apple on a plate in the center of the table, a drying rack with cups and a plate and you standing nearby with your hand on the table.”

Its name is Figure 01.

It can have full conversations. It can understand and implement complex tasks. It can describe what it sees. It can plan future actions, reflect on its memory, explain its reasoning… and a lot more.

“Figure 01 is impressive,” says one X-based onlooker, “because I think it’s fake but it’s real.”

Developed by robotics startup Figure in partnership with OpenAI, Figure One combines advanced AI and robotics in a way that’s… to be truthful…

Blowing my mind.

What’s most incredible? Figure the company has only been in operation for about 18 months.

The demo was so crazy, some folks can't believe a robot could possibly be this advanced. They're crying “fake!”, claiming the voice is dubbed, the movements are scripted, and the whole thing is just one big, elaborate hoax.

They're wrong.

Fake? No. The Truth is Crazier.

While we understand the skepticism…

The demo was 100% real.

That's right, no CGI, no puppeteering, no smoke and mirrors — just pure, unadulterated robotic insanity.

Let's break it down for you.

First off, the natural language processing and speech synthesis? That's all OpenAI's doing. Figure 01 is leveraging what OpenAI has been creating to make their robot sound like a real, live human — stutters, “ums,” and all.

(And if you think that level of realism is impossible, then my friend, you haven't been paying attention to the lightning-fast progress happening in AI.)

As for the robot's movements… I get it.

Back in the day, robots were about as responsive as a sloth on tranquilizers. They'd lumber along, taking their sweet time to process information and make decisions. 

But this bot?

The fluidity and speed are exactly what you'd expect from a cutting-edge system.

Put simply, Figure’s tech allows Figure 01 to process visual data more smoothly at ten times per second, “make decisions” 200 times per second based on various sensory inputs, and achieve extremely fine motor control adjustments at a thousand times per second.

That means it's taking in sensory information, crunching the numbers, and firing off motor commands in rapid succession faster than most think is possible.

And here’s the rub:

The Trillion-Dollar Question (And Opportunity)

While most people are going to focus on robotics companies, they’ll miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Smart investors are keeping it simple.

They’re asking, “What’s the ONE thing this new AI will need?”

This is the trillion-dollar question… and opportunity.

While Figure 01 is fascinating, our eyes are on something else entirely:

$6 AI ‘Wonder Stock' That Could Make You Up To 75X RICHER!


THIS IS A VERY TIME-SENSITIVE OPPORTUNITY. You're so close to knowing the identity of what Ross Givens is calling the “$6 AI Wonder Stock”. This AI-related play could herald the single, biggest tech revolution of the 21st century. In fact, early indications show a $5,000 investment could realistically turn into $75,000… $20,000 could morph into half a million dollars. The WORST thing you could do is to miss out. Reveal the $6 AI ‘Wonder Stock' here.

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The AI Stocks Every Investor Should Have On Their Radar

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Every Investor Should Have This $3 AI Stock On Their Radar

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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

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