With all the hand-wringing over inverse yield curves, slowing housing prices, stalling economic growth, and lingering trade wars, the Dow and the S&P 500 keep posting new records.
One of the most encouraging signs for the market at this point is the fact that the Federal Reserve said it will step in and lower rates if necessary. That is an about-face from its attitude about the economy just six months ago.
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Also, President Donald Trump picked two more potential appointments to the Federal Reserve. One of the nominees, Judy Shelton, wants to lower interest rates to 0% in one to two years if appointed.
While low interest rates don’t benefit all sectors — banks have a harder time making money on loans in a lower-rate environment, for example — there are some that rise as rates fall.
The following seven A-rated stocks to buy for the rest of 2019 have some of those winners as well as others that are riding strong, long-term trends. For the rest of the story go to investorplace.com.