3 Things You Need To Earn High Returns Right Now

300x better than NVIDIA?


You've probably read about NVIDIA's recent earnings blowout… Where it revealed that thanks to demand for AI, its future earnings will crush previous expectations. The markets reacted by sending NVIDIA's stock surging by almost 25% in a single day… An impressive feat when you consider it was already a $700+ billion stock before that surge. If you already owned NVIDIA stock before the jump – congratulations… But if you didn't, don't worry… Because I've just discovered an undercover AI stock that I believe could do 300 times better than NVIDIA. I believe this small-cap stock could deliver Huge returns in 2023 – which would be 300 times better than NVIDIA's 25% surge. So just click here to get your hands on my $3 AI Wonder Stock that could make you richer in 2023 (plus a whole lot more)

by Ross Givens

As expected, it was a down week for the markets.

This is a good thing.

Chart of the Day

We all love when stocks go up. But if they go straight up for too long, it is only a matter of time before prices correct harshly.

Stocks were on a 9-week streak before last week. That is almost unheard of.

The market needs time to digest this rally, absorb the sellers, and set up for the next move higher.

As you can see from today’s chart, the best gains come from clean breakouts out of shallowing compression patterns.

The chart of the Russell 2000 index breaking out in December is my go-to chart pattern when looking for institutional buying.

The more you can spot this pattern in your trading, the more successful you will be.

Insight of the Day

The more you can boil your strategy down to its core fundamentals, the more you can adapt it to changing market conditions.

The process for finding high returns is simple: 

  • Strong market
  • Strong group
  • Strong stock

At the start of December, crypto and home construction were the strongest areas of the market.

So that’s where we focused our efforts, giving people the chance at gains like 24% in 15 days,  54% in 37 days, and even 94% in four weeks.

Right now, home builders, biotech, and banking are the leading groups. So that’s where we’ll be targeting.

If the market stays weak, all we’ll do is trade smaller. But we’ll still focus on the leading stocks in the top-performing groups.

That’s how we adapt our strategy to shifting market conditions. Maintain core fundamentals while adjusting position sizing and risk management.

That’s how the best traders in history do it. And that’s how I do it.

There’s huge opportunity in 2024 if you stay focused on the fundamentals.

Trader predicts HUGE Tesla shocker


Trader predicts HUGE Tesla shocker (go here to see)

See why he's telling everyone around him to take action before January 24th. Go here to see this now.

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The AI Stocks Every Investor Should Have On Their Radar

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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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The #1 Trade For 2023

Elon Musk is set to reveal his secret “Project X” that could revolutionize a $23 Trillion industry, and potentially be 1,000x bigger than EV’s. 
This Backdoor play could hand early investors a windfall of gains.
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Every Investor Should Have This $3 AI Stock On Their Radar

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Project An-E

Breakthrough A.I. Just Predicted What the Stock Prices of Tesla, Nvidia, and Apple Will Be 30 Days from Now…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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#1 A.I. Stock Currently Trading For $3

Gain immediate access to this revolutionary $3 A.I. stock that is set to disrupt a $15 Trillion Market soar 75X.
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