200% Growing Market Will Mint New Millionaires

BREAKING: BILL Gates Says It's “Worth 10 Microsofts”


Have you jumped on the AI gravy train yet? So far this year: 

  • Microsoft is up 36%…
  • Amazon is up 62%…
  • Apple is up 44%…
  • Google (Alphabet) is up nearly 50%…
  • And Nvidia is up a whopping 203%.

Speaking of Microsoft… Fortune reports that former CEO Bill Gates is got $2 billion richer after Microsoft mentioned AI 50 times on its earnings call. But here's a surprise. I believe the biggest winner of all could be what I call the $3 AI Wonder Stock. Incredibly, this company is still a minnow in the ocean… With a market cap less than 1/1,000th that of Microsoft. It's your chance to join the big boys before AI gets absolutely massive. The best way to do it? Click here to view my Free Presentation, and get your hands on the $3 AI Wonder Stock that could make you super-rich (plus a whole lot more) Don't delay. This is a fast-moving opportunity. WATCH MY BULLETIN NOW.

By Alex Koyfman

Less than a year ago, a google search for “lithium shortage” would have yielded a slew of headlines on the topic of the burgeoning demand for electric vehicles and rechargeable batteries for consumer electronics, and how this is pushing the lithium sector into a shortage. 

And yet somehow, between then and now, the bottom fell out of the lithium market — dropping prices for battery-grade lithium by almost 80% from its late 2022 peaks. 

Though the knee-jerk response might be one of confusion, what’s happening here isn’t mysterious or unprecedented. 

It’s so well understood, in fact, that we already know what comes next.

What you’re looking at below is the price chart for high-grade lithium expressed in Chinese Yuan — the currency of the lithium refinement industry’s principal market. 

This pattern illustrates a classic bubble-bust cycle, and it’s as famous as it is deadly.

How Lithium FOMA Makes An Entire Population Of Investors Poor

Lithium exploded onto the commodities investment scene in the early 2020s, just as the EV craze went into high gear. 

The mania coincided closely with other manias in that same space, including the valuation of the world’s most sought-after EV brand, Tesla (Nasdaq:TSLA).

Along with the ICBM-like ascent of Tesla, two of its most direct competitors in North America, Rivian (Nasdaq:RIVN) and Lucid (Nasdaq:LCID), also went pubic on the heels of the buying spree.

Of course after the mania comes the inevitable — the crash. It happens, literally every time investors get too excited. 

First the growth slows, which triggers the initial scare sending the weakest hands scambling to sell making prices drop further, which then leads to more panic.

The cycle perpetuates itself until the fuel has run dry and there are no willing sellers left holding shares.

People who buy into the mania and sell into the panic always lose money. 

The yin to that yang, however, is the group of cool-nerved shareholders who buy into the collapse. 

This group always makes money. 

Want To Win Every Time? Bet Against The Dumb Money

And that’s the group I want to speak with right now. 

Because the lithium market, believe it or not, has not actually changed much since the peaks of 2022. 

Correction, it has changed, but not in the direction you’d think. Lithium demand is at all time highs. Lithium supply is approaching all time lows. Lithium exploration has never been hotter.

Which makes lithium still the hottest and most important commodity of the 21st century — no less important than oil was to the 20th century. 

Investors who ignore the emotions and make calculated risks in the lithium sphere today will see big investment returns before the middle of the decade. 

By the end of the decade, as the rechargeable battery market grows by an estimated 200%, they will see their investments balloon. 

Now, earlier I said we know what’s going to happen from here on out, and we do. 

If the above explanation didn’t do it for you, just look at another recent bubble that we’ve watched inflate, collapse, and then resurge after the weak hands had tucked tail and fled. 

Remember These “Collapses”?

Behold, the Nasdaq itself, which essentially tracks the evolution of the consumer tech industry.

The dotcom bubble collapse, which you can see above represened by that peak right around the turn of the century, was nothing but a speedbump compared to the explosive growth the entire tech sector saw in the years that followed. 

The same pattern can be seen in another sector that’s near and dear to all of us — housing.

When the housing bubble burst, we all thought it was the end of the world. 

The weak hands fled and prices collapsed, but a few steady-handed investors used the historic dips as an entry point and guess what happened?

The market rose higher than ever and without the same kind of fanfare and hype that brought it to near implosion back in the late 2000s. 

Today, this same thing is happening to lithium with its bottoming. The smart money is now getting back into the market for the impending bull run. 

This means the time to choose your method of exposure, is now.

Alarms Flashing for Nvidia Shareholders


The artificial intelligence (AI) boom just created one of the biggest companies in the world. I'm talking about Nvidia. The firm is worth more than $1 trillion thanks to this explosion. However, most people don't realize Nvidia just got lucky! Because for most of its history, Nvidia has been focused on an entirely different industry – video games. You see, Nvidia's chips have been designed to serve just one purpose… To create ultrarealistic graphics in games such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. In other words… This technology was never meant to power AI. And that's also the reason why Nvidia could soon crash and burn… Because there's a new player in town – one that owns a patent-protected chip specifically designed to run AI on. This makes it much more powerful than Nvidia's gaming tech. I'm talking about a 100x performance boost. The U.S. Air Force, Cisco, and Raytheon are just some of this firm's early elite clients. But soon this chip will be available to the mainstream… And if you position yourself before it reaches the mass market, you could turn every $1 into $120… Just like early Nvidia investors did. Keith just published an urgent presentation on this unique opportunity. Inside, he explains all the details and how you can position yourself today. Get the full story here while there's still time.

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The AI Stocks Every Investor Should Have On Their Radar

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How to Collect "Amazon Royalty" Payouts Before the Deadline

Thanks to a little-known IRS loophole, regular Americans can collect up to $28,544 (or more) in payouts from what is called “Amazon’s secret royalty program”…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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The #1 Trade For 2023

Elon Musk is set to reveal his secret “Project X” that could revolutionize a $23 Trillion industry, and potentially be 1,000x bigger than EV’s. 
This Backdoor play could hand early investors a windfall of gains.
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Every Investor Should Have This $3 AI Stock On Their Radar

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Project An-E

Breakthrough A.I. Just Predicted What the Stock Prices of Tesla, Nvidia, and Apple Will Be 30 Days from Now…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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#1 A.I. Stock Currently Trading For $3

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