Use These Silver Trades to Collect Fast Profits on the Metals Rally

With more stimulus on the way, silver will keep rallying even faster than gold…

This story was originally published here.

Silver and gold are ripping higher – for obvious reasons. Governments can't stop spending and providing stimulus, the U.S. dollar has hit a four-month low, bond yields are limited. Silver jumped 7% on Monday alone. Gold is at a nearly nine-year high.

To play the rally – which isn't over – I'm turning to two popular silver stocks. Silver is a more popular play than gold here for two reasons – it's cheaper, and it has the benefit of industrial use as extra price support.

You can buy these stocks now and then give yourself a chance at faster profits on the metals rally with these two options plays. I give you this “silver profit plan” right here in today's Fast Profits video…

Editor's Note: Click here to watch the video.

Tired of tiny 401k returns? Killer New Strategy Can Show You How to Make Cash Fast

Dear Reader, 

I don’t work on Fridays. 

I don’t want to, and I don’t need to. 

If you were to tell my 22-year-old self that this was my future – I wouldn’t have believed you for a second. Not when I was working 80 hours a week to scrape in a measly $275 paycheck…

And certainly not when I was down and out living in Thailand with no idea of what to do next. 

But now, thanks to one easy, consistent strategy, I not only have Fridays off…

I barely work during the rest of the week.

And I have enough extra income to live the life I’ve always dreamed of. 

It’s all thanks to this discovery that ANYONE can use.

It just takes 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week…

And can hand you thousands of dollars each and every Thursday. 

Now, there’s something that makes this strategy stand out…

That’s timing. 

And in this demonstration, I’m showing you how this discovery lets me see the market’s biggest moves…

I’m talking millions of dollars changing hands all at the same time… on the same stock… the moment it happens. 

I’ll show you how I use that intel to hand my readers incredible profit opportunities…

And you’ll hear how their lives have completely transformed thanks to this method. 

Everything you need to know is right here.

To your success,

Andrew Keene

Founder, Project 303

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How to Collect "Amazon Royalty" Payouts Before the Deadline

Thanks to a little-known IRS loophole, regular Americans can collect up to $28,544 (or more) in payouts from what is called “Amazon’s secret royalty program”…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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The #1 Trade For 2023

Elon Musk is set to reveal his secret “Project X” that could revolutionize a $23 Trillion industry, and potentially be 1,000x bigger than EV’s. 
This Backdoor play could hand early investors a windfall of gains.
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Every Investor Should Have This $3 AI Stock On Their Radar

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Project An-E

Breakthrough A.I. Just Predicted What the Stock Prices of Tesla, Nvidia, and Apple Will Be 30 Days from Now…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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#1 A.I. Stock Currently Trading For $3

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