Three High-Yield Dividend Stocks To Guarantee Passive Income
Right now, the best investments in the stock market are centered around 3 high-yield dividend stocks that can secure a “Second Income”… continue below to get immediate access to their names and tickers.
#1 Dividend Stock Of 2022 - Over 25% Yield!
Our top dividend stock of 2022 posted an astronomical 26.74% yield. That is the highest dividend yield we have ever reported! To put that in perspective, major dividend stocks like Coca-Cola, Proctor and Gamble, General Electric, and more all have dividend yields below 3%.
Dividend Stock Legally Required To Pay Shareholders
Our second is a company that is legally required to pay 90% of its taxable income to shareholders and is currently raising its monthly dividend by 10% giving it Bank of America’s coveted “buy” rating.
This 1 Tiny Tech Dividend Stock Trading For Dirt Cheap
Our final pick is a little-known enterprise technology company with a staggering yield of 8.4%, best of all, they are currently trading for less than $15 a share.
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