This Biotech Has Delivered 1,000% in Profits – Here’s What’s Next

Act fast before Wall Street gets in…

This story was originally published here.

Ever see “The Social Network”? The 2010 David Fincher flick tells the story of the early days of Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ: FB).

There's a scene when Justin Timberlake, playing Napster's visionary Sean Parker, leans across the table and says…

“A million dollars isn't cool. Know what is?”

“A billion dollars.” Andrew Garfield's Eduardo Saverin finishes the thought for him.

From where I'm standing, it's mighty tough to argue with that sentiment.

If you're a CEO – or an investor, for that matter – you know you've made it when your company clocks $1 billion in annual sales.

One billion dollars: From there, the sky's the limit. You know customers will fork over anything for your products or services – while your competition trembles in their boots.

Well, one highly unique, perfectly positioned biotech I know is about to hit that all-important threshold. Crucially, as you'll see in a second, it hasn't happened yet. But when it does, this company will have done it faster than Netflix, Apple, and even Google.

And the coolest part of this is – if you've been following along since Money Morning first recommended this stock back in 2014, if you've gone the distance with us – you've made at least 10 times your money.

And if you're just finding out about this now – don't worry. You're just in time, because I think the setup here looks very promising.

But you'll have to act fast and snap up the shares before this sinks in on Wall Street…

Editor's Note: Click here to keep reading.

Millennial Uses Obscure 18-Digit “Code” To Beat Wall Street

Dear Reader,

Andrew Keene hit rock bottom back in 2008.

Struggling in life… burning through most of his life savings…

And with no real prospects on the horizon…

He knew he had to do something radically different to change his life…

So he turned to the stock market – determined to find an edge…

It was when he began to look closely at a company’s stock price data that he discovered an obscure 18-digit “code.”

This code let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades. Trades that wouldn’t make sense to the everyday American simply because the company wasn’t in the news! And at that moment…

He wondered if he could tag along with these mysterious trades – taking a slice of the profits.

So he tested it out…

And it worked better than he could have ever dreamed.

Over the next two years…

He grew his account from a $100,000 starting balance to $5 million..

He’s been enjoying life as a millionaire ever since.

He’s a world traveler and a frequent guest on CNBC’s Trading Nation.

And he’s been teaching people all over the world how to use his exact strategy…

In as little as 30 minutes, 3 days a week.

More importantly for you…

Andrew is finally revealing the code and strategy that made him a millionaire.

See it here…

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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

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