This story was originally published here.
I don't mind telling you, I am desperate for some normalcy. I've done my best to establish some consistent routines working from home. But you know what they say about consistency and little minds…
So, yes, the coronavirus has been humbling. My attempts at establishing consistent routines over the last five months have been consistently beset by television, naps, and red wine during the work day. Maybe I shouldn't say all that out loud… pretty sure my boss reads these articles.
Anyway… both my kids are now attending college classes. My son is starting his freshman year at University of Maryland 100% online, semi-confined to his dorm room. Not ideal. And I didn't realize it until we were moving stuff in last week, but his dorm is like a block from the football stadium. I blurted out, “Holy cow, Saturday's would have been amazing! Can you imagine 70,000 people walking this area?” without thinking.
Of course he can imagine it. But he won't live it, and that just drives the “everything sucks” point deeper, like a splinter under your thumbnail.
My mom turns 82 in a couple weeks. My stepdad will be 91(!) in January. And we lost our beach week this year. You just don't get this time back.
In June, I did manage a road trip with my daughter to visit my mom in Georgia. She's got a big open house that looks out over a salt marsh where the Saint Marys river hits the ocean between Cumberland Island and Amelia Island. There were no hugs.
And last week, my son and I lit out to Charleston, South Carolina for a few days of sand and salt water at Folly Beach. I didn't get to see my aunt and uncle who live 20 minutes away on Mount Pleasant, but we did have a nice beach happy hour and dinner with my cousin, his wife, and daughter. It is amazing how good I feel after that little jaunt.
And I'm determined to keep the good feelings going, so I've been making the 20-minute drive into Baltimore's Mount Vernon neighborhood where I can sit in my office at Angel HQ for a few hours every day. I've always been aware that it's the little things that make life sweet. I feel damned lucky to have an office to sit in…
Editor's Note: Click here to keep reading.
Announcement Will Send $1 Gold Stock Sky-High
Any day now, a critical announcement will reveal the biggest gold mine in America.
And send this $1 gold stock surging for no less than 5,000% gains.
For reasons you'll see here… this tiny miner's real gold windfall has been kept hidden from the public.
But that's about to change.
You need to position yourself immediately.
Click here for the full story.
To your wealth,

Nick Hodge
Editor, Wall Street's Underground Profits