This story was originally published here.
Cannabis is an industry unlike any we’ve ever seen before.
It’s predicated on an incredibly powerful plant that’s been around for thousands of years. And that deep history has built a $400 billion market – meaning people around the world spend nearly as much on cannabis as they do on smartphones.
At the same time, it remains federally illegal in the United States – something that has so far kept institutional investors out.
These factors combined have created a massive opportunity for you to get in early on the single biggest market to emerge in decades, but they won’t last forever.
Big changes are on the horizon for the cannabis market; exciting changes that have significant implications for you as an early investor in this space.
Federal prohibition could be coming to an end as soon as 2021. New federal regulations will inevitably follow.
So, too, will new taxes.
That may sound scary – but with cannabis, even new taxes will mean nothing but good things for you…
Editor's Note: Click here to keep reading.
Dear Reader,
He's backed some of the most successful startups in the world – investing in companies like Dropbox and Pinterest long before they became the giants they are today.
But even with those billion-dollar companies in Joe Montana's portfolio…
He says the cannabis industry has as much potential than anything he's seen in a while.
“It is a great time for investing in the cannabis industry,” he said. “The possibilities to get in on the ground floor of some great companies is very exciting for everyone.“
However, Joe is careful to say the normal rules of investing don't apply to the cannabis market.
“You can't use those old-fashioned metrics analysts tend to lean on. You need a different process.“
Joe wants to make sure Americans have all the information and tools they need to make smart investment decisions.
That's why he recently took part in the The 2020 American Cannabis Summit.
The summit is a gathering of the industry's top experts where they'll reveal the market's best wealth-building opportunities.
And Joe will even go over a unique formula for finding startups.
This online-only event is a must-watch for anyone who has ever considered investing in cannabis.
Click here to watch the summit now.
To Your Success,
Mike Ward
Host, The 2020 American Cannabis Summit