New Tax Law Could Mean Big Win for Retirees

Content Sponsored By: Palm Beach Research Group

The Republican tax bill is now law, and that could be great news for millions of American retirees.

For instance, did you know there’s still a secret “account” 54 U.S. Congressmen use to make 40 times more interest on their money?

Or what about this…

Over 55? Did you know you may qualify for a special, non-government “guaranteed income program” that lets you collect up to $1,200 a month?

These are just two of the little-known income secrets now available to American seniors.

In fact, Ted Benna, the man widely credited as the “father” of the 401(k), is now recommending all seniors take a hard look at their income options.

In Benna's latest book he reveals dozens of income secrets seniors can now take advantage of to secure their retirement.

Here’s just a small sample of some of the strategies discussed:

  • How to set up your own “$330,000 health care fund” (page 179)
  • The secret app that could let you make $2,800/month (page 355)
  • How to earn 37 to 62 times more on your money thanks to a secret, tax-free “account” (page 15)
  • A Playboy’s $50 million secret anyone can use (page 315)
  • The Senior Homeowners’ Reward program created by the FHA that can let you collect between $575 and $2,200 in tax-free income (page 135)

He’s calling this new strategy the “501(k) Program,” and already over 100,000 people have paid $49 to get access the secrets inside this book.

But now, thanks to a national income experiment, Benna has partnered with a publisher to ensure that seniors can get a full 384-page hardbound copy for free with shipping!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please be aware that only a very limited quantity of free books are available. First come, first served. Click here to claim your book.


According to Benna, it doesn’t matter if you’re currently working… retired… if you collect Social Security… if you have a 401(k) or IRA… or even how much (or little!) you have to start out with.

You, too, can use the secrets in the “501(k)” plan to sock away thousands of dollars a year!

People are raving about the different “501(k)” ideas… and we think they are some of the most interesting and profitable investment ideas we have seen in a generation.

To claim your free book and see for yourself you can visit the publisher’s page by clicking here.


      • That was then, this is now. Ever hear of ‘ELLIS ISLAND’? Most immigrants prior to the last 30 years came here LEGALLY. They ASSIMILATED and became CITIZENS. DO it right or go home.

        • Actually, the US had no immigration laws until the early 1900s. Ellis Island was built to register those entering and doing health checks. No one was stopped from coming and living here except for public health reasons.

    • The add says our Congressional Representatives are taking advantage of it. May they are the ones who should leave?

  • You have plenty,
    but will that 401, be worth more as a 501, thank you and happy your happy, I will continue to get older and always open to learning more.

  • There is a new plan I have read about it’s how to live in your van for 500.00 a month,,,if you stay in the free zone,,,,,named homeless camp’s but keep your self armed,,,,,there is bad people out there,,,,,,just be carefull,,,,,I can send you the info,,,,,,just sendself addressed envelope with the first 500.00.,,,,ICAN Help,,,,,Trust me,,,,we can make America great again,,,,,one van at a time……

  • Open your eyes ttseim. The biggest scam going is the criminal conspiracy called the Republican-led American Congress. They are also the most dangerous and feared political
    body in the world.

    • No democrats are they tore thus country apart no we will pay hell trying to get it back to where it was.

      • No the Democrats did not tear this country apart. I dont know what BS you are listening to but it is absolutely not true. It has been the same story for a long, long time in this country: when Republicans are in control, the country goes to hell, then when a Democrat takes office with a lousy heritage from the former Republican, they clean it up, get us back to a little more normalcy, clean up the debt that the GOP created and leave the country in Great shape. Then another Republican gets in and screws it all up again for the Democrats to clean up. Then all of a sudden the GOP starts screaming that the Democrats are at fault, which is a big bald-faced lie. I have done a lot of research in this area and there is information online published by non-partisan experts using information that is based on the Federal Governments sites that show a pattern of this mess and clean-up.

        I also constantly hear that the Democrats are crook. That is a fantasy cooked up by the GOP to make Dems look bad. I’ve found a published document on the web that show criminality by party over a 53 year period. The Democrats were largely in control for 25 of those 53 years. During that time, there were 2 indictments, 1 conviction and 1 prison sentence. The Republicans were largely in control for the remaining 28 years, during which times there was a total of 120 indictments, 84 convictions and I believe 35? prison sentences. All of this information is a matter of public record.

        I believe, just maybe you could save yourself some embarrassment if you checked out what you have been told by your party instead of blindly believing what they say. And believe me I do the research on both sides. If the Democrats say the GOP is responsible for something criminal or even underhanded or unethical, I check that out too. I don’t want to look like an asshole if I find out that I am wrong. Just a thought.

        • Clear up the debt that the Republicans created? Are you insane? Obama added TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to the deficit. More than every other president added together since George Washington. Whose debt was he “clearing up”? You haven’t done “research” on crap.

          • Exactly…. they read stuff on the internet and believe it’s gospel.

          • Which is just like when Trump says something Trumpsters believe it’s gospel?

            I will amend your statement above. Not everything on the internet is true. But if you know where to look, you will find the truth.

          • I would not say than all the other Presidents combined.

            Obama added $7.97T to the debt during his term, which is equal to a 68% increase of debt added to existing debt (which by the way never includes the first year of his/her term because that is already in effect from his professor).

            George Bush Jr. added $5.849T to the debt, the second largest dollar amount, which is a 101% Increase.

            Bill Clinton added $1.392T to the previous president’s debt which is a 32% increase.

            If you want to make statements about who did what, look it up first before you put your foot in your mouth.

        • So you are okay with Hillary killing, committing treason and lying and getting no consequences and Obama tearing our country apart with his racial bull? You are one sick puppy. Go be euthanized while you can still walk.

          • Hillary has done none of the things you are talking about. She has been repeatedly investigated on many different accusations made and no one ever found any evidence towards her guilt. You need to get with the times, cause this is all old horseshit.

            The only people responsible for racial discord during Obama’s Presidency were created by racists and bigots (which it sounds like you are one) and the GOP majority.

            But how about we look at some Republicans who have gotten off scotfree. How about Bush Jr? He repeatedly lied to the People and Congress about Iraq’s nuclear stash which we all know was lies, lies and more lies. He got hundreds of thousands of American soldiers killed, over 100,000 innocent Iraqi’s killed, spent billions of dollars on a war that should not have been. And when people started looking into this he and his staff deleted over 22 million emails from government servers. What happened to his investigation? Oh that’s right he’s a Republican.

            Bill Clinton got raked over the coals for having sex with a consenting adult. Which by the way, should never have been the government’s business to investigate. He and his family were humiliated (and still are) for something that did not involve any government wrong doing. Because of this most of the country does not know the good he did at his job. And why? Because he’s a Democrat.

            And what about Trump? He is a criminal (and was long before he was elected) and continues to be. He has cinuously violated the Constitution and nothing gets done. He has been obstructing Justice since the day he was sworn in. He is the biggest liar of all previous presidents combined. He told more than 3,000 lies in his first year in office but you adore him. So I think you have accused the wrong person of being a sick puppy. You wouldn’t recognize the truth if it reached out and smacked you in the face.

            And finally, what are you, in First Grade? “You deserve to be euthanized”? Sounds like a call to bodily harm to me.

          • No we don’t know they were lies, don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

          • And don’t believe everything that comes out Trumps mouth or the mouths of the Republican leaders in this country because they are all crooks and liars. They all tell at least several lies a day.

          • Well, if you don’t know whether they are lies or not, then you have 2 choices: a. go do some research on legitimate websites, you know that kind that are non-partisan (which means there is no bias) or; b. continue to be a gossip-monger and and continue spreading all the lies for ever and ever.

          • I’m going to ask you a question which I’ve asked people like you before.

            Who did Hillary kill?

            What did she do that shows she commited treason?

            What did she lie about that she needed consequences for?

            What did Obama do that you believe to be racist bull?

            Can you answer these questions?

          • Now this is why I have a problem with conservatives or Trumpsters. You continue to hang on to the lies about Democrats and even when proof is given instead of checking it out to make sure, you go with the name calling and rude remarks. I hope you understand what Euthanized means because you just said that I should be put down like a sick dog. And you all wonder why Democrats are angry with the GOP and their followers. Try speaking to people with a civil tone instead of hatred and you might get somewhere.

            If Hillary were convicted of murder or treason, she would be in jail, not out running free. And I really find it funny that you are blaming racial bull on Obama, who is the black person in office. The racist bull comes from the conservative side, most of whom are racists and bigots (i.e., neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and the KKK).

            And, BTW, I sent a post to you yesterday asking you to show information regarding your claims against Hillary and Obama. I guess I’ll never see a response to that one, which has happened before so many times. Everyone is quick to point fingers at Dems but when asked for specifics, there is never any response. And do you know why? Because there is no response that you can give that is 100% honest.

        • Man…i don’t know what you are smoking…. but everything you just said is wrong!


  • Are these the TRump “CRUMBS” for seniors program? Credit card first…..hmmm.

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