This story was originally published here.
Amid Big Media’s saturation coverage of the coronavirus panic, an important new medical breakthrough received scant attention.
After all, TV, radio, websites, newspapers, magazines and social media were riveted with stories about the spread of the new pandemic.
But working quietly behind the scenes, a team from Stanford University reported a new breakthrough in anti-aging biotech.
Indeed, the team discovered a way to “reset” the age of human cells – all the way back to zero.
Make no mistake. This is a major step forward. At the very least it could help cut the impact of osteoporosis that afflicts older people and costs the U.S. more than $75 billion a year.
With that in mind, today I’m going to tell you why this new development is so important for medicine and show you a great biotech investment that should at least be on your bear market watchlist…
Editor's Note: To read the full story, click here.
Watch this today (and it could help you become $2,918 richer)
To anyone currently invested, or interested in investments in the stock market, please read this carefully.
A software expert has created an algorithm that detects stock market trends with shocking accuracy.
The software system that utilizes this algorithm has been designed to account for market indicators so subtle, that most people do not even know they exist.
In fact, this software is so accurate that it's original 1.0 version was bought by Charles Schwab for $20 million.
But the urgent news is as follows…
It's creator, Tom Gentile, is now giving common people who are invested, or interested in investing in the stock market, a rare chance to access the recommendations he finds using this system.
A system which allows you to circle a date on a calendar, and know, with at least 90% certainty, that you could cash in on that day.
To give an example of it's effectiveness, over 24 months this program's picks could've paid out $999,195.
The algorithm is extremely fast as well, and in this presentation, Tom will use it to make $1,050 in just 15 seconds.
This is because it's running 24/7, analyzing multiple sources of market data to track the aforementioned indicators, making it one of the most powerful investing tools ever created.
If you are seriously interested in learning about investing in the stock market, or how you could improve your current investment strategy, you should watch the demonstration below… it could change your life.