When recessions hit, there is one investment that proves to be worth more than its weight: Gold
While your standard mining and ETFs will likely thrive when other stocks crash, there’s 1 under-the-radar gold play that stands to skyrocket as gold increases, and the best part is…
Average investors can get in on this play for less than $10.
This investment is a powerful moneymaking tool during a crash. The last secret gold play had the chance of turning every $100 into $32,000. Even during recessions.
Another way to look at it… that would turn every $5,000 investment, into $1.6 Million.
Again, this isn’t an ETF or any other “standard” gold stock.
So while we believe those are still good investments during a crash, this under-the-radar play has the potential for life-changing gains.
But it’s unlikely to remain cheap for long, as right now we are in a perfect economic storm that’s bad for stocks, but great for gold.
So, the faster stocks fall, the likelier it becomes that this gold play could soar. Meaning the big question right now is, when will the big crash hit?
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